The Green Painting - an art installation in northern Saskatchewan
This is an installation piece that I put in a burnt forest - it takes several years for the vegetation to regrow after a fire and 'green up'. I wanted to speed up that process by actually putting a green painting in the forest to counter the dreary, black landscape, A trail-cam camera was set up and images were collected every hour for over a year (August 5, 2021 to Sept 2, 2022) to preserve the memory of the green painting.
This is an installation piece that I put in a burnt forest - it takes several years for the vegetation to regrow after a fire and 'green up'. I wanted to speed up that process by actually putting a green painting in the forest to counter the dreary, black landscape, A trail-cam camera was set up and images were collected every hour for over a year (August 5, 2021 to Sept 2, 2022) to preserve the memory of the green painting.